Airlines Continue to Test NFC for Boarding; BLE Piloted for Airport Navigation

France-based telco Orange and Air France, along with airline industry and information technology services provider SITA have launched a trial of an NFC boarding pass application for the airline’s route from Toulouse to Paris, and SITA is also piloting Bluetooth low energy beacons at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport.
The six-month trial of NFC boarding passes involves a few hundred Air France Flying Blue frequent flyer club members with NFC-enabled handsets from Orange, who will be able to tap NFC readers in French airports, Toulouse-Blagnac and Paris-Orly, to board airplanes and access airport lounges and priority lanes for airport security.
Boarding passes on smartphones: available options
Among Topics Covered:
- Details of NFC trial launched by Orange and Air France, along with airline tech supplier SITA, putting airline industry standard boarding passes on SIM cards
- Reason for delay in trial
- Details of pilot of Bluetooth low energy-based beacons by American Airlines at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport
- EasyJet’s announcement of three pilots of Apple’s iBeacon technology
- Pros and cons of putting boarding passes or frequent flyer numbers on SIMs or other secure elements, including flat-battery boarding
- Position of International Air Transport Association on NFC-based boarding passes
- Prospects for use of host-card emulation for transmitting boarding passes and frequent flyer numbers
- SITA’s approach to HCE
Sources Quoted:
- Stephane Gruber, NFC program director, SITA
- Emmanuel Jamin, head, partnership development for NFC, Orange
- Stephan Copart, head, strategy and simplifying business, financial and distribution services transformation, IATA
- Renaud Irminger, Geneva lab director, SITA
- Paula Hunter, executive director, NFC Forum
Among companies and organizations mentioned:
Air France
American Airlines
Japan Airlines
Scandinavian Airlines
NFC Forum
This is premium content from NFC Times.